{June} Summer planning

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Conesus Lake, New York | Made By Meggs | MadeByMeggs.com

Today. The first day of June. And my first thought is… where the heck did May go? May gives you this sense of “summer is on it’s way but the crazy hasn’t hit yet.” June is more like “Readysetgogogogogogo” and then that doesn’t stop until September! Don’t get me wrong, summer is my favorite season. Ironically because there are so many things in our area to do. I just lack a set of mental brakes that tell me “ok, just sit back and enjoy this sunny day.”

I am continuing my effort to track my goals on the blog. This started last month with a list of 6 goals, both blog related and personal. And even though only a few of my goals have been met from May, I am glad that I put them out there. A lot of readers and fellow bloggers can all relate to the idea. We all  need the accountability and the reasons to set goals. For me, having readers (now double the number since I started in February!!) gives me the reasons and motivation to set (realistic) goals and put them out there. This month I am going to re post the two goals I want to continue to strive for, as well as add in new ones. Here we go…

Find time to write on a weekly basis. I have struggled with this a bit the past few weeks. And with a busy summer shaping up already, I really want to make sure I stick to this. You need something to read, as much as I need something to write. Or at least I hope that is the case!

Unplug daily, from 10 am to 2 pm. This is prime play time with my kiddos. Post morning craziness and pre-double nap time. If I focus all of my energy on them during this time I don’t feel like I am missing out on anything when the rest of the day goes nutty! And we all know the morning and evenings are the hardest part of the day! {Striving to do this MORE this month. I get too wrapped up in what is going on online!}

Pin this, pin that.  Pinterest is the one social media I don’t get into that much. It is a major time sucker for me, but I know there are so many great ideas out there. So I want to find a way to balance the two & get back into Pinterest more.

Find daily fitness time.  I recently started doing at home work out DVDs that I found at the library. After a full week of doing it daily, I was reminded about how great I feel after I workout! Yes I am a super active mom with my kids. But that isn’t the same, this is just for me. And now I want more!

Editorial calendar. I used to work off of a list of post ideas. But it wasn’t as effective as I thought it would be. I am the type of writer that has to really want to talk about the topic, in the moment, to really get the full post written. So I am hoping if I use an editorial calendar to map out recipes and other post ideas for the week or month, that I could create more meaningful reads for all of you.

Get organized. My computer and desk in particular, just a hot mess here of files everywhere! I have two external hard drives that just need to be restored, resorted, and reorganized better. You know how it goes, half of it is probably trash!

The one goal that I really successfully completed in May was finding more blogging friends and resources. Thanks to Facebook I have joined a few great communities of fellow bloggers and the support is overwhelming! Within these groups I have made some great online friendships with fellow bloggers who have also just started out! There is so much to share and so little time!

Thank you for reading my goals for this month. If you like what you see please feel free to create your own list! Link back here or comment with what you want to accomplish in the 30 days this month!

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Don’t forget you can follow me for more fun on Facebook, InstagramTwitter & Pinterest.
xoxo Meggs

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  1. I struggle to find time for everything, too. I like the idea of unplugging from 10-2. We’ll all be done with school this week. I look forward to spending more time with my kiddos.


    • It’s such a simple concept but yet so hard in this world of social media, even harder I think as a blogger! But I know I feel less Mom Guilt if I really focus on them during that time! Thanks for reading, Kathryn!


  2. Aww this was great as I have trying to set writing goals since I started in June…whew! I never thought it would be so demanding!! A friend of mines who writes books made it very clear I should write everyday, rather I blog or journal! So I try….;) great post


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