Liebster Award: Discover New Blogs


Last week I was honored to find out that I was nominated for the Liebster Award by two of my new blogger friends. I have spotted this award being passed around on the internet & always loved the idea. Really it’s one way bloggers can connect with each other & with each other’s readers. You don’t know how many amazing bloggers are out there until you stumble upon their link somewhere! So when Cheree (pronouced “sure-ee”) from A Dash of Salter and Kathy & Sue (friends turned blogging team) from Mom Wife Woman both messaged me about choosing Made By Meggs for their nominations list I was thrilled!

(Edit: just before posting Mrs. G  from Here Wee Read also messaged me that she was also nominating my blog. So now I am super-duper overwhelmed with gratitude! This week has just been amazing!!)

So my new and loyal readers, here is what you will get from this post… A chance to learn more about me (as if that was even possible?!) & meet some amazing new bloggers. First check out my answers to Cheree’s list of questions below. Followed my the requested list of Random Facts About me! Then after all of that fun, you will then meet 8 brand new bloggers that I love on their own pages! I am excited to get started, so here we go!!


1. What’s the story behind the name of your blog/how did you come up with it?

It came about almost organically. My entire life I’ve always been crafty and creative. And since becoming a stay at home mom I’ve wanted to make my hobbies into a little something more. I started with my love of photography (see that here). And when that didn’t seem to be my total niche I started re-thinking. Then it hit me, why can’t my niche be everything that I am about? And so Made By Meggs evolved into just that. “Everything I make, and everything that makes me” really encompasses my life and so here we are!

2. What’s the most frustrating part of blogging for you, and how do you overcome it?

For me it’s finding the time alone to write! I have so many ideas I want to share, but being a mother and a wife comes first. It’s my first priority and always will be.

3. What motivates you to be your best self?

I love seeing an end goal come to completion! When I put my mind to something it becomes part of me until it is finished.

4. What was the last thing that made you laugh until you cried?

I can’t specify anything but living with two toddlers is pretty hilarious these days! E, my 3 year old is a riot with the things she comes up with. Really chatting and has recently started making up stories. The best times are when I sit back and just say “oh really” and egg her on… And C is 1 1/2 years old and just coming into her own. Her personality and determination is fascinating for me to watch. So her reaction to her big sister’s need to be bossy lately!

5. Do you have a nerdy quality that you want to tell us about?

Oh where do I start? I’ve kept a planner/agenda all of my life. They force you to in school but now its like a daily journal for me. I jot everything down and its my way of organizing my life. Which sounds ridiculous because I am a SAHM! But I am very active with my kids with outings and play dates, I have to keep it all straight some how!

6. What 3 things make you super happy?

COFFEE, every morning it’s a must. I know so many people say that but it’s often my little island oasis inside my head! SUMMER, I have always loved this season. And even though I live in Buffalo, NY it has nothing to do with all the snow we get in the winter… well maybe a little something! MY KIDS LAUGHTER, I don’t care what sparks it but I would jar that up and keep it in my pocket if I could!

7. What is your favorite sweet treat?

Right now its an Peanut Butter Oreo Flurry from my local road side ice cream store (Kone King for you locals!). Hubbs kinda invented it for me when I was pregnant – it was the two things I was craving & he talked the kids into mixing it all together for me. Now its a regular treat!

8. What is your favorite song/artist?

Right now I am OBSESSED with Ecosmith! I saw them on Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon a while back and I have had them on my Pandora station ever since. Just love their sound & that they are all siblings!

9. What are some of your biggest goal and aspirations?

Right now my biggest goal is to focus on giving my children everything. Not in a spoiled sort of way. But more in the means of my time & exposing them to a variety of things (places, interests, activities…). They are only this small and “impressionable” for so long & I want to take full advantage of that. Once they are all in school I will have the time to pursue whatever it is that I dream of for myself. It’s the prefect setting for me right now & I am loving every minute!

10. If a genie poofed in front of you at this very moment, what 3 things would you wish for?

(1) A 10 day family vacation — we all could use the time together and away!!
(2) Our dream house — we know it’s out there somewhere, just hoping to find it some day.
(3) A million dollars — which I could split between local community support centers and organizations. So many programs just don’t have enough financial funding.

11. What is your ideal vacation/location?

Realistically my favorite local get away is our family cottage. It’s right on the lake, quiet and gorgeous! Ideally I would love to return to Hawaii. It’s where Hubbs and I went on our honeymoon, and as soon as we left we couldn’t wait to get back. I mean it’s HAWAII after all!


  • I have a teaching degree, a Master’s degree actually. While I’ve never had my own classroom, I am enjoying that I can share my love of learning & teaching with my girls.
  • I have one tattoo, of a blue star on the back of my hip. I considered it my rite of passage trip with my college roommate freshman year.
  • I have a lifetime hunting license. Fun fact I like to share with new friends, I don’t look like the “hunting type.”
  • My all time favorite “happy place” is my in-laws lake front cottage. It’s serene and peaceful and just a gorgeous place to spend time with my family.
  • I love a good TV show to kick back too. My DVR is always full of something of mine! Favorites: Scandal, How to Get Away with Murder, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Undateable, Chicago PD & Chicago Fire, SNL, & Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, just to name a few!


Just launched this month! Candace shares gorgeous fashion, food, decor and her adorable baby bump!

Fellow local blogger, who I actually met in person first! Follow Nicholle as she takes on adventures & activities just for kids.

Stacey’s bright & welcoming page shares recipes, couponing, & crafting ideas.

Sharing the humorous ups and downs of motherhood, she says a lot of what we are already thinking!



Meet Shawna and my favorite line from her About Me; “I am just an average wife striving to become the MacGyver of food in my home.” Aren’t we all?


Keishawna shares all things inspirational & motivational, follow her for very uplifting posts!

Sara documents her triumphant love, loss, and life as a mom in Texas.


  1. What is the story behind your blogger name? {Loved Cheree asking this, because I am always wondering this, so I’m reusing it!}
  2. Do you have an siblings and/or what is your favorite childhood memory?
  3. When and how do you find the time to write for your blog?
  4. Describe your “happy place.”
  5. What is your favorite thing to make in the kitchen?)
  6. When it comes to getting dinner on the table, what do you struggle with the most?
  7. What is your favorite topic to write about?
  8. Who do you admire the most, online? (ex: I love Glennon from Momastery)
  9. Summer is coming, what is your all-time summer MUST DO this year (or every year)?
  10. What are your top three goals this month ( can personal or blog related)?
  11. What is your go-to snack when the hunger hits between meals? (Grab? Make? For you? For the kids?)

— Feel free to click and save the above award image for use on your own blog post. (Permission granted by image creator Cheeree of A Dash of Salter.)

Readers! Now is your chance to pop over and check out what these lovely ladies are blogging about. Each has something different & I can guarantee you will find one you love! Follow them on social media and keep up with future posts. In the near future they will be sharing their own Leibster Award list & answering MY questions for them! Enjoy and thank you for stopping my blog!

Love this? Click to share this post on your page of choice below!
Don’t forget you can follow me for more fun on Facebook, InstagramTwitter & Pinterest.
xoxo Meggs


  1. I loved your post and answers to my questions! I have to agree that you don’t look like the hunting type. Haha I’m excited to get to know all of the new bloggers you nominated and introduced! Thanks you for your sweet words and tagging back to me! You rock!

    Xx, Cheree


    • Aw thanks Cheree for coming by & reading! I had fun answering the questions,but it’s harder to come up with random facts about myself! The hunting one is my go-to 😉 haha


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